If you live in Florida and you’re looking for Jacksonville addiction treatment, you might be overwhelmed with options. Every one of the local addiction treatment centers promises recovery and growth. How do you decide if a facility will meet your needs? Here are some of the primary offerings you should make sure a facility provides before signing up.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis is a practice where counselors address other co-occurring mental health problems in conjunction with your addiction. Addiction treatment centers understand that addiction rarely occurs in a vacuum. It frequently occurs alongside depression, anxiety, or trauma. This relationship between mental health problems can prove extremely difficult to manage.
Did one problem cause the other? Are they exacerbating each other? A quality Jackson FL drug rehab center will provide you with experts to address these questions. The ultimate goal of treatment should be to uncover the core causes of your addiction. This mindset will lead to a sustainable recovery.
Inpatient and Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centers
Another important aspect of addiction treatment centers to consider is the level of commitment. Some people are interested in treatment, but they are scared off by the time it would take. Perhaps you have a family or career you need to attend to. Any of the quality addiction treatment centers in Florida will offer flexibility.
For those who need more independence, there is the outpatient program. An outpatient program allows patients to go to treatment during part of the day and leave the facility for the other. This level of freedom can prove very practical. This allows people to spend time with loved ones, maintain a professional life, and implement their new lifeskills independently.
However, people who struggle with addiction are, by definition, also struggling with self-control. Some people simply require a greater level of supervision. An inpatient program would mean that the patient lives on-site for the duration of the treatment. A Florida drug rehab center with an inpatient program will offer counseling, supervision, and a sober living environment. These features are perfect for someone who is struggling to maintain control in their life.
Get Help Today
Addiction can be scary for a number of reasons. Firstly, it affects both you and your loved ones on an emotional and financial level. When you feel out of control in a way that is hurting those around you, it can be easy to panic. But there is always time to heal yourself and repair your relationships.
Another intimidating aspect of addiction is choosing between the many addiction treatment centers. Unfortunately, a lot of people who receive treatment fall back into addiction later on in life. That is why it’s essential you choose an accredited facility that meets your needs. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get help today!